OFF THE WALL! daughters bought me a ticket to go see Michael Buble' in concert in Birmingham last night. I actually enjoyed it. Definately a chick event, but a great way to spend time with my daughters.
If you are a man and your wife, or girlfriend wants to go see him...wait...that doesn't sound right...if you are married and your wife wants to see him (in concert of course) or you are single and your girlfriend wants to hear him live...BUY 2 TICKETS AND TAKE HER. Be sure your take a shower, put on some decent clothes (slacks, button shirt) and spray a little cologne on (I really should not have to tell you these things) She will be grateful.
He does not take himself seriously even though ALL the women went there with ONE thing on their mind...My daughter Michelle has decided she is to marry him. I told her it was ok as long as he paid for the wedding pictures that I would take.
I need to call a therapist tomorrow. He did not leave me with any women to date. I think I hate him and need some anger management.
I talked with Tony @ ArtwoRX today. You really need to visit his website. Maybe buy some art and music CDs. He googled my name recently and found my website...which reminds me, I will be changing my name and web address. Maybe "Michael BooBlay" or something. What do you think?
We are old high school buddies. Good to hear from him after all these years. (see paragraph 4 - 1st sentence).
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