Choosing Your Photographer Lesson #5 (Repost)

- Does the price include everything, from engagement photos to reception coverage?
- Do I get any free black & white photos for the newspaper announcements?
- Are all photos retouched & enhanced before they are received by a customer?
- Are ANY photos retouched & enhanced or straight out of the camera? (Let them know you can tell the difference - click here to see a samples post).
- Are special effects included?
- Is there a limit on the number of special effect photos I can get at no charge? If yes, how much are extras?
- Is an engagement session, formal bridal, final fitting, bridal luncheon, etc., included or are those extra?
- How many hours do I get?
- Are those hours JUST wedding day coverage only?
- Can I choose what items I want in my package/plan?
- If no, why not?
- I want a nice coffee-table album. Can I help design it?
- Do you offer several options for albums or must I take what you have in your package?
- If I want to do a silly engagement that ok? Is that extra?
- Do you do a slide show presentation at the reception?
- Do you offer my friends and family the ability to view the slide show on your website...for FREE?
- Do you offer my friends and family to view an online album of my wedding...for FREE?
- Do you offer the ability to purchase the slide show on a DVD?
- Do you offer Gift family and friends can help pay for my photography?
- Are you set in the pictures you take, or can family and friends request photos at the wedding and reception?
- How many hours will you invest in my wedding photography (that's pre & post production, etc)?
(I will try and think of more - email me if you have some to list)
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