Buffy "The Boyfriend Slayer"

Beth & Jacob's wedding was last weekend. This picture is of Buffy, Jacob's sister. According to her mother she has about 15 potential boyfriends knocking on her door (oh really...).
I would like to offer my services to her parents to take her wedding photographs...they live in Fresno, CA. I really, really need (want) a California wedding for my portfolio.
In order to do that, I wanted to post her picture and see if there were any qualified, potential husband-candidates out there (I want to hurry this process up).
She will definately be a catch. If you are from the south she can learn to say "ya'll" and "for sure" in the same sentence. You can send your bids...I mean offers...I mean your information to me and I will forward to her mom. Please include your most recent financial statement.
Oh, and the whole family seemed to adapt very well to the southern-lifestyle. I was very proud. Traveling from Fresno, CA to Eufaula, AL...I think there is a dimensional time warp in addition to a couple of time zone changes they had to encounter.
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