Nikki's and Robert's Wedding

All total (including engagement, bridal showers, rehearsal and wedding) I believe there were well over 1600 photographs taken. That is a lot in case you were wondering. I do edit some out that are duplicates, near-duplicates or didn't come out (ssshhhh it does happen).
I will begin work on the Album Showcase this afternoon or this evening...maybe tomorrow. I usually just chill on the Monday after a wedding, but I have a lot of printing and other things I need to do to get a few other photos uploaded to the website. I will be busy most of the day. Just check back here and I will post any updates regarding the Album Showcase.
Once I get the Album Showcase completed I will work on the remaining photographs and upload those as quickly as I can, because I KNOW you want to order stuff...
Take care and enjoy!
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