
Well, now that they are available again. You can look on the left-hand margin on the main webpage and you will see "DVD Show Samples". Just click that and the page will open. The file is very large since it has 4 sample shows in it.
When you click on a Show's graphic icon you will see a status bar saying it is "buffering..." the show. That just means it is downloading correctly. Leave it will start automatically when it is completely downloaded. Beeeeeeeee.....Patient.
If this is your first time, you will also be required to download the "Presenter" files. This is what is used to play and display the shows. You will be prompted to do so, just click yes, etc. If you have viewed the shows before and think you already have the presenter need updates. Click the link below the viewer to go to the website and download the most recent version. It is FREE. You will not be able to view the shows without the most current version...Big learning lession for me today.
Once you have watched all the shows you will not have to wait so long to watch them again. However, if you leave the page and come starts all over, except for downloading the "Presenter" files. You will only need to do that once.
Downloading times are entirely dependent on your compurter's processor and your internet connection speeds. You must have cable or DSL internet connection. If you have dial-up...don't even try.
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