I Am Not Sure Why...

This is from the Amanda and Mitchell shoot last Saturday. In case you are into photography, contrary to popular belief, it does not take a whole lot of props and lighting do get some great detailed shots.
I was packing everything into the car, and I just happen to notice Amanda's ring and remembered (duh!) I needed another ring shot. I "commanded" her to give me her ring...surprisingly she obeyed...I mean, did.
I told Mitchell to open his hand. I positioned the ring and "click". So there you go, no special lighting. In fact the original was rather dull looking.
Now, I will have to say there is SIGNIFICANT post-production work in Photoshop, but overall this was the shot I took, right there in the driveway. If I tell you how I made the "rock" pop with a little light, I will have to leave town...top secret, you know.
(I might post a "before" and "after" pic later - so check back - the difference will be so amazing, you will want to send me money!!)
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