Monday, May 26, 2008

Hunter & Jake Album Showcase

Ok, I am up to page 52, for their Album Showcase. Once I get all the page layouts completed, I will go back and add some quotes, poems, etc., then add some background music and upload to the website.

I have to say I have never designed so many pages this quickly. I need to take advantage of the effort.

Another incentive to getting it done is, I have another wedding this coming Saturday. If you get backed-up just a little, it can be a nightmare.

So you gotta check back often.

For those that are new to all this, this is the pre-design for a coffee-table album. If Hunter and Jake wish to get one, they can help design the final layout. But this will give them a good starting point.

It seems to be going pretty fast, but you never know. I am zipping along pretty good, and since I cannot sleep, well that gives me an incentive to "get 'er done".

I'm hungry...need to eat.