New Wedding Inspiration CD!!!

- view a Letter from Me (the best part)
- view a Sample WebShow
- view a "Choosing Your Photographer" newsletter
- view a 2007 Price List
- view a Sample contract (8.5x14 paper...if you want to print it)
- Connect to the Website Homepage (must have internet connection)
- Email me to check a date or set up an appointment.
I am waiting on the CD jewelboxes to come in which will make these really awesome. But, if you need a CD right away, let me know and I will get one out to you now. The jewelboxes will contain some sample photos, and a printed version of the catalog.
I can hardly wait to send one of these out. The jewelboxes should be in pretty soon. These are special boxes, but I may be able to make do with the ones I have now. I will have to try and see how they will work.
You will just need to insert the CD into your disc drive and the menu (above) will automatically appear on your screen. You can just click a button to view whatever section you want. Everything will be self-contained on the CD. You will need internet access only if you want to view the Website or email me. Other than that, everything is viewable without internet access.
I have sent a few out without the neat jewelboxes but it will be better when I can get those inserts printed and packaged up.
Sunday afternoon is cleaning and getting caught up on printing gotta go.
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