Ashley's and Albert's Album Showcase

At any rate, I can go back and add later, but it would be nice to include some of those now.
I had delayed getting started on their album so I could look for the files, but I just can't find them. I will keep looking.
The Album Showcase is intended to be a "pre-design". This will enable the bride and groom to see what they could have and help them get started with their final design.
The pages above were from the day Albert proposed at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. Kinda neat since every employee was in on what was happening.
I was standing next to an employee that day, and her radio went off and the person said, "ok, she's engaged.". That was kinda funny since it appeared EVERYONE working there was in on it and they were letting all the workers know that it was done...
Oh, I almost forgot, I am up to page 24.
UPDATE: 11:11pm - Up to page 36 (going to try and get a little sleep)
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